We proudly announce that Szkoła Podstawowa Heliantus in Warsaw prepares students for Cambridge English Qualifications.
Kategoria: English Corner
Program optymalizacji nauki słownictwa Insta.ling
Cambridge Penfriends- Letters of our students
Our school is a member of Cambridge Penfriends programme. Recently we have received letters from our friends from Italy. Now it is high time to respond to those letters. Below you can see letters written by students from Class 2, 3, 4 and 5. Enjoy Czytaj dalej …
Język angielski w Heliantusie
Program 1 etap edukacyjny W klasach 1-3 realizowany jest program, który stanowi rozszerzenie w stosunku do podstawy programowej. Szkoła Podstawowa Heliantus oferuje swoim uczniom 6 godz. języka angielskiego blokach na poziomie podstawowym, rozszerzonym oraz w oparciu o zajęcia profilowe KidsTeachKids (KiTeKi). W ramach zajęć KiTeKI kontaktujemy się ze szkołami partnerskimi z Włoch Czytaj dalej …
Certificate of the Quality in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
National English Olympiad OLIMPUS
We are pleased to inform that 3 students from Class 4 and 5 have been awarded a diploma of laureate in National English Olympiad OLIMPUS which took place in the autumn of 2017. They have reached very high positions competing with approximately 1800 Polish students Czytaj dalej …
Cambridge English Penfriends
We would like to inform that Heliantus Primary School has entered Cambridge English Penfriends programme and has earned two badges: First connection Cambridge English Penfriends badge – given to teachers whose class makes their first Penfriends connection with another Penfriends school. Power Czytaj dalej …
The Grasshopper project Class 3
Some students from Class 3 have designed this week an extra project connected with the topic realised during the project focused lesson. The topic was called “The Grasshopper”. Each student could prepare a picture or a mini-book story about the grasshopper, the main Czytaj dalej …